Business & Technology

Business & Technology Department Courses

Freshman Seminar & Engineering Survey


Full year-1 credit.

Prerequisite:  None

Personal Finance
Personal Finance is a one semester elective class offered to those who desire to learn how to plan and manage their own personal finances, and take responsibility as a citizen according to God’s economic principles based in scripture.  Practical topics include: budgeting, choices that affect income, financial decisions and planning, paying for credit, credit problems and laws, insurance, saving and investing, buying and selling, as well as career and financial goals.  The focus of this course is to help those who will soon be starting down a path to personal financial independence.  This elective class is designed for sophomores, juniors, or seniors.

One semester – .5 credit

Prerequisite:  None

Introduction to Engineering Design

Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school level course that is appropriate for students who are interested in design and engineering. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. IED gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning.

Full Year—1 credit.

Prerequisite:  Algebra 1