VCS Families,
We trust you are having an enjoyable and safe spring break. Our school leadership has been closely following the COVID-19 pandemic and public health recommendations for Arizona schools. We want to reaffirm that at this time there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Valley Christian.
Out of an abundance of caution, we are going to be cancelling our high school choir and instrumental trips scheduled this month to California. Our directors will communicate additional information to those students and families affected by those trip cancellations. At this point, we are also going to be postponing any K-12 field trips scheduled through the end of March.
Following the continued guidance of the Arizona Department of Health Services, public events (including athletic and community events) will continue at this time unless otherwise announced. This is obviously a very fluid situation and one that we are constantly monitoring to ensure the safety and health of our community.
We continue to place our trust in our Almighty God. We encourage you to follow the important hygiene recommendations and will continue to update you as this progresses. You can always find updates specific to VCS and resources specific to COVID-19 on our website at Thank you for your continued prayers and support during this time.