We’re excited to share that CyberMath Academy now offers a summer camp at Stanford University too!

Now your students can choose to attend our camps this summer at either Harvard University (July 6-17) or Stanford University (July 15-27).
Students will be able to choose from a variety of options which include College Prep (SAT and College Counseling and Application Planning), Math, Coding, Robotics, Game Design and Physics.

Registration is open at https://cybermath.org

CyberMath Academy’s advanced and challenging courses from outstanding teachers pave the way for students to top colleges. Many top colleges such as MIT and Caltech specifically ask for their scores and give priority to the students who succeed in the competitions that we prepare for. Please see our informational pages on how math and coding competitions help secure a bright college education and an outstanding career.

Administrators and teachers of CyberMath Academy have had many of their students continue their higher education at top U.S. colleges and would like your students to join them too.