Spiritual Life

What makes Christian education unique is the ability to overtly provide opportunities for spiritual growth for students, families, faculty, and staff. At Valley Christian Schools, we are committed to helping our students be culture changers for Christ.

We value the diverse make-up in the Body of Christ and appreciate the many expressions of Evangelical Protestantism. For further review of our Statement of Faith and Foundational Positions visit our Mission and Beliefs Page.

Included among the many spiritual opportunities that exist at VCS are:

  • Daily Bible classes
  • Daily devotionals
  • Weekly chapels


  • Week-long Spiritual Emphasis Week and workshops
  • Christian Service Program
  • Ministry Development
  • Bible studies
  • Prayer groups

Ministry Development

More than 40 students are involved in planning every aspect of Valley Christian’s weekly chapel service.  Students help shape the theme and message, choose and perform music and design the service itself.

Engage Program

The ENGAGE program is designed to do exactly what it says: engage within our community, our state, our country, and the world. ENGAGE experiences are optional for students and take them to national and international locations.