VCS Families,

While there are no new cases of COVID-19 in Arizona, we are aware of the increased concern regarding the spread of the virus, as well as the recent statements by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and the White House.

The health and safety of our students is our number one priority. Our school is following the preventative recommendations for schools made by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health. This includes our facilities team taking additional steps to disinfect our campuses each day. Valley Christian does have policies and procedures in place in case of a pandemic and could implement online learning, or other flexible learning accommodations, in the event of a school closure.

In regard to our Engage trips scheduled to travel this week, we are closely monitoring situations in those countries and following recommendations of the U.S. State Department and CDC for travel to those regions. If there is a sharp increase within those countries of people infected or a spike in the overall spread of the virus in new countries, for the overall safety of the students and our staff, trips may be cancelled. All students and staff on our Engage trips will be given supplies to clean and disinfect their hands and surfaces while traveling. Due to active cases in Romania, a sharp increase in cases in Europe, and our overall risk assessment, our trip to Romania has been canceled.

VCS will continue to encourage the CDC recommendations to prevent the spread of any respiratory viruses:

  • Frequent handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Get sufficient sleep, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow
  • Do not share cups, straws, or anything else you put into your mouth
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Stay home when sick

If your student is experiencing flu-like symptoms or if they have a fever of 100° F or higher, please keep them home from school and get them checked out by a healthcare professional. Students must be fever free for 48 hours before returning to school. This will be a great benefit for the health and wellness of our students and staff.

With the increased amount of travel over spring break, we request that parents notify the school if a student or member of their immediate family has traveled internationally to a country or region that has active COVID-19 cases and has recently returned to our community. This should also include countries that see a new outbreak of cases within 14 days of their visit. Families can easily notify the school by completing a simple online form at

Additionally, students or staff traveling to China, South Korea, Italy, or Japan – or those students and staff who have come in close contact with a family member who has traveled to one of those countries within 14 days of the family member’s visit – must stay home for 14 calendar days before returning to campus.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students, staff, and community safe and healthy. We will continue to reevaluate the situation daily and plan for the coming days and weeks.

You can view up-to-date information and resources on our website at Valley Christian remains in close contact with State and County health officials regarding COVID-19 and will keep you updated with any developments that could impact our families or school campuses.