- To foster a sense of community by connecting new students with other new students at Valley Christian High School.
- Creating a space to have “face to face” (with mask or face covering) interaction with a few of the possible teachers you will have during the 2020-2021 school year
- Educated new students on safety measures and use of technology at Valley Christian High School
- Note that this event is for new high school students (freshmen and new upperclassmen). Returning high school students will begin on August 17.
YOUR ASSIGNMENT (by last name)
Find your color group by the first letter of your last name
You are to report for duty the day and time of your color group
Main Entrance – Front of the school
Monday, August 10th
9am – 1pm
A – Harrison
Tuesday, August 11th
9am – 1pm
Henkel – P
Wednesday, August 12th
9am – 1pm
R – Z
Transfer students 10th – 12th
TROJAN BOOT CAMP – Operation Sword and Shield 2.0
Arrive on time.
Have your VCS issued iPAD in hand, fully charged!
Get your temperature checked
Sanitize hands
Face Masks/ Coverings are REQUIRED
Pick up your schedule at the welcome desk
Walk to your assigned room
Orient yourself with Valley Christian and the Valley Way
Pizza will be served
If you have food allergies, please bring your own lunch
Things to Bring
Bring your own water bottle, filled.
Cellphone use during passing periods
Wear something light and comfortable.
All dress code rules apply.
Yearbook photos will be taken….. so look your best!
If you are unable to attend, yearbook photos will be taken at a later date.