Please use the Fundraising Approval Request form below. 

Note that as a Development Team, our hope is to help you and offer potential resources for your fundraising. Our interest is that your fundraiser is as successful as possible. Please consider this request form as a request not only for approval, but for assistance/resources.

Note that completion of this form does not guarantee approval. Responses may include approval, approval with stipulations, denial, or more information needed.

Here are some guidelines to be aware of:

  • Each program can have one approved fundraiser per school year. There are few exceptions to this. Please contact the Development Office with any questions about the process.
  • Fundraising events are not guaranteed to be included on VCS social media or newsletters, etc. If this is a requirement for the fundraiser, approval from Marketing is also needed.
  • Donations cannot be received through personal Venmo, Zelle, and PayPal accounts.
  • Fundraisers cannot be considered unless they expect to raise $500 or more.