We want to thank our families for their continued support and partnership in maintaining the health of our students and campuses. While we have had a handful of positive COVID cases on the high school campus in the seven weeks since school has begun, we have severely limited any community spread. We want to encourage our families to continue to be diligent regarding keeping their student healthy. If your student is feeling sick, please keep them home. Also, and especially for our high school students, be aware of potential exposure with friend groups outside of VCS. This should especially be the case for our student-athletes and performers. All our cases have traced back to exposure off-campus.

If your student is feeling sick with COVID-like symptoms, has officially been exposed, or has tested positive, please contact Troy Hanzal if they are in Grades 7-12 ([email protected]) or Janine Sass if they are in Grades K-6 ([email protected]).

After observations made on our campuses and updated recommendations, we have also updated our COVID-19 Symptom and Exposure Flow Chart for students and added a flow chart specific for student-athletes. You can view those using the button below or they are accessible on our website at any time.

We have also recently added a dashboard on our Safe Return to School page to communicate any current laboratory-confirmed positive cases on our campuses that have been reported. A reminder that any person who was identified as having direct or potential exposure will be notified. We will not be sending out an email each time a case or suspected case of COVID-19 is reported. Instead, the dashboard will be updated when each confirmed case is reported.

Again, thank you for your continued support and diligence as we seek to do school as normal as possible while keeping our students, faculty, staff, and community healthy.


Updated Symptom and Exposure Flow Chart