Camp Cardiac

Camp Cardiac, run by local medical students in 25 cities nationwide, is a 1-week summer day camp open to high school students interested in exploring careers in medicine. Students may learn more and apply by visiting...

STEM opportunities for summer

Grand Canyon University will be offering summer camps for for high school students to introduce and elicit excitement to students in the STEM fields. To learn more, visit and...

Senior Scholarships & Awards

If you are a senior and have not submitted any scholarships or awards you have received from colleges to Mrs. Cefola yet, please do so. We are putting together the Commencement program and are finalizing the scholarship and awards list for each student. Please note...

Minority Male Summer Institute

This summer the South Mountain Community College is holding the Minority Male Summer Institute and are currently accepting applications. This program promotes a study and careers in the STEM field for graduating minority male high school seniors. For more information,...

TerraNova Testing

Terra Nova 3 (TN3) testing days are coming soon—Tuesday, 4/28, and Wednesday, 4/29. Both of these days will be full days of school that follow regular starting and dismissal times for a Tuesday (8:00 AM to 3:10 PM) and a Wednesday (8:00 AM to 2:00 PM). Basically,...

University of North Texas Admissions Event

On March 9th, University of North Texas representatives from UNT Admissions will be hosting a dessert reception for prospective students and their families in Tempe, AZ. Come learn why UNT is an excellent academic choice from the arts to the sciences, and with 99...