Each year, the Volunteer Services Department at both Chandler Regional Medical Center and Mercy Gilbert Medical Centers invite teens between the ages of 14-18 years of age to participate in a leadership academy and to learn about careers in healthcare and to foster...
The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program is open until February 29, 2016 for those high school seniors who plan on studying engineering, technology or design, with an interest in the automotive industry. For more information and to apply go to:...
Please print off your student’s second semester class schedule from RenWeb prior to classes resuming in January. That way we can attempt to avoid any confusion for students on the first day of classes. Also, lunch order forms for second semester can be printed...
A reminder that first semester final exams are right around the corner. Final exams are December 15-18, 2015. Exams are given on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00-9:30am and 10:00-11:30am with a makeup session on Friday from 12:30-2:00pm. You can view...
Mrs. Cefola invited all juniors to download the nexttier app to help them manage their college application tasks. Please take advantage of this opportunity for students to interact with the guidance office to keep up to date on crucial tasks related to finding the...
The SAT is changing starting with the March 2016 test. The January 23rd test will be the last test using the current format, with the new test starting March 2016. Are you confused as to which test to take and what date to take them? This is your opportunity to take...