Terra Nova 3 (TN3) testing days are coming soon—Tuesday, 4/28, and Wednesday, 4/29. Both of these days will be full days of school that follow regular starting and dismissal times for a Tuesday (8:00 AM to 3:10 PM) and a Wednesday (8:00 AM to 2:00 PM). Basically, students will test until lunch with classes in the afternoons (Tuesday: Periods 1-5, and Wednesday: Periods 6-8). View Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s schedules.

Why are these testing days so important? The school needs valid test results in order to make effective comparisons from year to year and improve our instructional program. This means students need to do their best on the TN3 test.

  • Test results do not enter into a grade for a class. However, your best efforts are needed to give us a clear picture of how we are fulfilling our school’s mission to prepare students to make a difference in the world.
  • This is an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in these testing areas, even if it is not directly related to a class you have taken.
  • The results will help us know with what areas our students need help, as well as what we are doing well.
  • We are appealing to your sense of personal integrity and pride in a job well done.
  • For all students, but especially our SENIORS: You have the ability to intentionally do poorly on this test. However, we ask you to give a good effort so we can make valid comparisons of your group’s performance from last year to this year.

Since our students do not take state-wide tests like AIMS, Valley is using the TN3 to measure the year-over-year achievement of our students. This is our best way to gather uniform data from year to year, so let’s demonstrate excellence on this test as well as on all of our school-work here at the end of the year!